Check Out Period
Videos – 7 days
High demand items 14 days
All other items – 28 days
All items may be renewed on our website by clicking on “Find Books” and logging into your account, by phone, 208-752-9711, or going to the Library. Items may be renewed twice.
Non-resident Fees
A $25 fee per household is charged to anyone living in an untaxed library area. This is the amount of the city taxes that residents of Osburn pay to support the library. The Idaho State Library has stated that we must charge an equitable fee to what our city taxpayers are paying or we are not eligible for any grants allocated by them.
Library taxed cities in the Silver Valley are: Mullan, Wallace, Kellogg, Pinehurst, Kingston and Osburn.
Internet Policy
It is the role of the Osburn Public Library to develop its collection and services to meet the informational needs of its patrons. The Internet with its vast wealth of material and information is essential. It is with this context that the Osburn Public Library offers Internet access.
The Osburn Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Osburn Public Library does not censor your access to materials or protect you from information you may find unsuitable. The Internet is an unregulated medium that offers information that is personally, professionally and culturally enriching, it may also contain materials that are offensive. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions. Parents and Guardians only may restrict their children from access to Internet resources. The Osburn Public Library staff is not responsible for any child’s use of the Internet. Activities that are illegal or any activities that are designed to disrupt or interfere with services or equipment are forbidden. Failure to utilize the Internet stations properly and responsibly shall result in the loss of computer privileges. Internet use will be on a first come, first serve basis.
Internet use will be limited to 30 minutes. If no one else is waiting or a search isn’t completed within the time limit it will be at the discretion of the librarian. When your time is up you may get back in line and wait until a computer is vacated.
You may not use your own software programs on the Internet access computer. This will aid in averting viruses or worms that may damage or completely crash our computers. If you wish to save files, you will need to save them to you personal flash drive. You may not save to our computer, if you do so it will be deleted by our staff. Printing is available for a fee: 15 cents ($.15) per page for black and white and 25 cents ($.25) per page for color.
Enjoy using the Internet, but remember that you can possibly find the information you need in the materials we have here in the library.